Call for proposals for FOCS’16 workshop/tutorial (half-)day

Following the proud tradition of previous STOC/FOCS conferences, FOCS’16 will also have a (half) day of workshop/tutorials on Saturday, October 8th, right before the conference starts.

You are invited to submit your proposal of workshop or tutorial by August 31st; see details here.

In short: you just need to propose an exciting theme and arrange the speakers. We will take care of the logistic details like rooms, AV, coffee break, etc.

Note that this is only a half-day event (2:30pm-6pm) since in the morning there will be another not-to-be-missed event: A Celebration of Mathematics and Computer Science: Celebrating Avi Wigderson’s 60th birthday (which actually starts already on Thursday, October 5th). See Boaz’s announcement here.

If you have any questions about the FOCS workshops, feel free to get in touch with the coordinators: Aleksander Madry and Alexandr Andoni.

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