TCS Women Spotlight Workshop at STOC 2022: Travel grants and call for speaker nominations. (Guest post by Mary Wooters)

[Mary Wooters shares the following information – I highly recommend attending the TCS Women Spotlight workshop at any time, but especially when it’s in Rome! –Boaz]

You are cordially invited to the TCS Women Spotlight Workshop! The workshop will be held on Monday, June 20, 2022, in Rome, Italy, as part of the 54th Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC) and TheoryFest.  The workshop is open to all.
More information about the workshop is available here: In particular, we would like to highlight the TCS Women Travel Scholarships (deadline April 25) and a call for nominations for Rising Stars talks at the workshop (deadline May 9).  More information on those are below.

Hope to see you in Rome!

TCS Women Travel Scholarship:

TCS Women Travel Scholarships are intended for researchers at the beginning of their career. Preference will be given to students at the beginning of their studies. If we have sufficient funding, we will give awards to more senior students and possibly postdocs.

To apply, you will need to fill out the following form by April 25th, 2022 (11:59 pm PDT) in which you provide basic information about yourself, an estimate of your expenses, and a brief statement: Apply for a travel grant here.

In addition, you will need to have your advisor (or department head or other faculty mentor if you do not yet have an advisor) send a letter of support to by April 25th, 2022. Your advisor’s letter should also describe the availability of other travel funds.  This letter should be sent with the subject line “support letter for [your name]”. This is very important. Your application is not complete without this letter.  Note for advisors: Specifics about alternative funding are very helpful — statements like “funding is tight” are not very helpful. Late applications (after April 25th) will not be accepted. You will be notified about your status by April 29th, which is prior to the STOC early registration deadline and hotel cut-off date.

Notes: Receipts will be required for all travel awards, and reimbursements will be made after the conference. Food or visa expenses will not be reimbursed.

Nominations for Rising Star talks:

We invite nominations for speakers in our TCS Women Rising Star talks at the TCS Women Spotlight Workshop at STOC 2022. To be eligible, your nominee has to be a senior PhD student with expected graduation no later than August 2022, or a postdoc; in theoretical computer science (all topics represented at STOC are welcome); female or an underrepresented minority; and not a speaker at a previous TCS Women Spotlight Workshop.  Preference will be given to speakers who are currently on the job market for postdoctoral/faculty positions, or who expect to be on the job market in Fall 2022.

You can make your nomination by filling this form by May 9th

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