MIP*=RE, disproving Connes embedding conjecture.

In an exciting manuscript just posted on the arxiv, Zhengfeng Ji, Anand Natarajan, Thomas Vidick, John Wright, and Henry Yuen prove that there is a 2-prover quantum protocol (with shared entanglement) for the halting problem. As a consequence they resolve negatively a host of open problems in quantum information theory and operator algebra, including refuting … Continue reading MIP*=RE, disproving Connes embedding conjecture.

A crash course on the math of quantum computing (guest post by Dorit Aharonov)

[The post below is by Dorit Aharonov who co-organized the wonderful school on quantum computing last week which I attended and greatly enjoyed. --Boaz] TL;DR: Last week we had a wonderful one-week intro course into the math of quantum computing at Hebrew U;  It included a one day crash course on the basics, and 7 mini-courses on math-oriented research … Continue reading A crash course on the math of quantum computing (guest post by Dorit Aharonov)